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On-Campus CMI

0% Complete
0/0 Steps
  1. Course Tutorial Video
  2. Orientation
  3. Dynamics of Teacher Training
    13 Topics
  4. IOT Level 1
    19 Topics
  5. IOT Level 2
    25 Topics
  6. Distinctives of CEF
    6 Topics
  7. Ministry Strategy and Development
    16 Topics
  8. Leadership Essentials
    10 Topics
  9. Missed Classes
Lesson 10, Topic 1
In Progress

Bible Lesson Assignment 8 – Writing the MOS & Invitation

All Bible lesson assignments will be submitted online. Download the worksheets provided for each assignment and complete the work on your computer. All homework is due by 7:30 AM on its due date.

Download the Assignment 8 Writing the MOS & Invitation worksheet to complete your assignment. Be sure to save your work using the following pattern: TT402BL8. first initial last name. (e. g. TT402BL8.jandrews). The assignment is due Monday of the second week at 7:30 AM Central Time. Submit the completed worksheet using the Assignments Block below.

The Bible lesson outline worksheet provides space for you to create a smaller outline that will fit into your Bible. You may download and print a blank copy to handwrite your outline or type the outline on the document. This outline is for your benefit. It does not need to be turned in for grading.

If you are using PowerPoint slides for your Bible lesson practicum, you will need to download the slides onto the computer in the room you will be teaching. Use CMIstudent as the user name. The password is Godisgood13.