Online Training Program

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Online Training Program

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The Master Teacher Certificate

This entire certificate program is offered on campus. Three courses are now available online. This certificate is awarded to the student upon the successful completion of four courses related to direct ministry to children.

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CM202 Teaching Children Effectively Level 1 
CM204 Understanding Today’s Child 
CM205 Progressive Methods of Child Evangelism 
CM203 Teaching Children Effectively Level 2

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Many seminars are available that provide children’s ministry leaders, volunteers and parents with effective training that will help them evangelize and disciple children. As well, pastors and children’s ministry leaders can use these seminars for training groups.  Biblical principles and practical ideas are clearly communicated in each seminar. They can be taken at a self study pace. No credit can be earned towards another program of study. Many are available free of charge!

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Bible lesson, missionary story, memory verse, and song demonstrations are available FREE online. As you watch these demonstrations to help you prepare to teach, you will see the elements that should be included as well as interactive ideas to help keep the children engaged as you teach. They can be viewed at any time. No credit can be earned towards another program of study.[/et_pb_text][et_pb_button button_url=”″ url_new_window=”on” button_text=”View Demonstration Choices” button_alignment=”center” _builder_version=”3.0.106″ background_layout=”dark”][/et_pb_button][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.106″ header_font=”||||||||” header_2_font=”||||||||” header_2_font_size=”32px” custom_padding=”45px|||”]

On Campus and Online Course Transfer

Students are able to combine both on campus and online courses to complete their degree program.

Please note that Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®)staff members are required to take the Children’s Ministries Institute 12 week diploma program.  Staff members may choose to take part of that 12 week training online, but certain courses must be taken on campus. 

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  • Teaching Children Effectively™ Level 1
  • Understanding Today’s Child
  • Progressive Methods of Child Evangelism
  • Teaching Children Effectively Level 2
  • Leadership Essentials

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  • Dynamics of Teacher Training
  • Instructor of Teachers Level 1 (also available at designated locations around the country)
  • Instructor of Teachers Level 2 (also available at designated locations around the country)
  • Distinctives of Child Evangelism Fellowship
  • Ministry Strategy and Development

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Visit CMI Online

 Learn more about all the online courses that we offer.

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