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On-Campus CMI

0% Complete
0/0 Steps
  1. Course Tutorial Video
  2. Orientation
  3. Dynamics of Teacher Training
    13 Topics
  4. IOT Level 1
    19 Topics
  5. IOT Level 2
    25 Topics
  6. Distinctives of CEF
    6 Topics
  7. Ministry Strategy and Development
    16 Topics
  8. Leadership Essentials
    10 Topics
  9. Missed Classes
Lesson 10, Topic 1
In Progress

Bible Lesson Assignment 5 – Writing Personal Application 1

All Bible lesson assignments will be submitted online. Download the worksheets provided for each assignment and complete the work on your computer. All homework is due by 7:30 AM on its due date.

Download the Assignment 5 Writing Personal Application 1 worksheet to complete your assignment. Be sure to save your work using the following pattern: TT402BL5. first initial last name. (e. g. TT402BL5.jandrews). The assignment is due Thursday at 7:30 AM Central Time. Submit the completed worksheet using the Assignments Block below.