Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Week 1 Coursework

By now, you should have completed your Pre-Course Activities (You updated your profile, ordered your course materials, connected with your proctor, and located a real-world teaching assignment location). If there are any details that still need to be addressed, please take care of those right away!  Click here if you need to review the Pre-Course Activities.

This course requires two teaching practicums observed by an approved proctor.  You should have completed the Proctor Confirmation steps before the course start date. If you have not yet received notification regarding your proctor, please contact the CMI Online Administrator at 1-800-300-4033. ext 1313. 

This first week of TCE Level 2 will help you to be aware of the scope of your responsibilities as a teacher in helping saved children develop a balanced spiritual life. You will also begin to broaden the Bible lesson preparation skills you acquired in TCE Level 1, applying those skills to a narrative Scripture passage that is focused on spiritual growth. Your assignments and activities for this week will be listed and described in the recommended order of completion.

Let’s get started!