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On-Campus CMI

0% Complete
0/0 Steps
  1. Course Tutorial Video
  2. Orientation
  3. Dynamics of Teacher Training
    13 Topics
  4. IOT Level 1
    19 Topics
  5. IOT Level 2
    25 Topics
  6. Distinctives of CEF
    6 Topics
  7. Ministry Strategy and Development
    16 Topics
  8. Leadership Essentials
    10 Topics
  9. Missed Classes
Lesson 10, Topic 1
In Progress

Children at Risk Research Assignment

On the assignment sheet in your student manual or that you downloaded, are detailed instructions for this assignment. You will also find samples of both a website and book summary to guide you.

Use the Research Summary Worksheet to complete your assignment. Download the template. 

This Rubric will help you to see how your Children at Risk Research Assignment will be graded.

After you have completed the Children at Risk Research assignment, be sure to save a copy on your computer. Be sure to use the following pattern: CM204CARRA.first initial last name. (e.g. CM204CARRA.jandrews). You may upload the completed document using the Assignments Block below. Please submit by Monday at 7:30 AM Central Time following the module.